David P Goode Architecture is now licensed to practice architecture in Arizona andTexas. While we won’t necessarily solicit new business there (yet?), we have existing clients with interests in the states, so it made sense to broaden our reach.
DPGA – 10 Years in Business
David P Goode Architecture is celebrating 10 years in business!
Opening day was August 2, 2009, in the midst of the worst economic environment in generations, and we’ve had a ton of fun. Since 2009, we have completed over 300 projects in retail and restaurants, as well as some office and medical uses, totaling more than 1,000,00 square feet. Projects range from small vanilla box build-outs to full build-to-suit and remodels up to 90,000 square feet each. Some favorites, sure I have a bunch…. and, there are a few I’d rather forget.
When I left my former employer as a Managing Principal to go out on my own, a lot of people thought I was nuts. Architects were dropping like flies in a terrible economy. Hell, I had just spent the previous 12 months laying off 26 employees. But, I had a vision of how an architect’s office should run and how to manage projects. The foundation of it all was a better connection with clients and their values. There’s been a great deal of success with that formula – approximately 80% of our work comes from repeat clients – and that formula won’t change anytime soon.
I am extraordinarily grateful to the clients that have been with me for many years past. I’m thrilled about the new clients in the mix and hope to keep them for many years to come.
Happy 10th to DPGA!
Misconceptions – Not Just Small Projects
One thing I have heard over the last year or so is the misconception that DPGA only works on small projects…. This not the case! So, I thought it would be a good idea to provide some insight on recent work. Over the last 18 months, the following projects have been completed in this office and are at various stages of delivery:
Gateway Pointe Plaza – new 25,000 SF retail shell, wth a 12,000 SF liquor store anchor, opened November 2015 in Aurora, CO.
Stein Mart – new 32,000 SF retail shell and tenant finish turnkey delivery, opened October 2016 in Thornton, CO.
Michaels Arts and Crafts – 23,000 SF tenant finish, opened February 2017 in Boulder, CO.
Sable Center – new 9,500 SF multi-tenant retail shell, opened September 2016 in Brighton, CO.
Lot 10 Shops – new 14,000 SF multi-tenant retail shell, turnover to tenants May 2017 in Thornton, CO.
ULTA Beauty – new 10,000 SF, shell delivery May 2017 in Brighton, CO.
Lincoln Commons Bldg. C – new 20,000 SF, two story office over retail shell with turnover to tenants May 2017 in Lone Tree, CO.
Lincoln Commons Bldg. H – new 7,500 SF multi-tenant retail shell, scheduled for turnover Fall 2017 in Lone Tree, CO.
Tuesday Morning – new 12,500 SF retail shell and tenant finish, turnkey delivery scheduled for August 2017.
Retail Shops – new 7,500 SF multi-tenant retail shell, scheduled for delivery Fall 2017 in Northern Colorado.
Retail Shops – new 7,500 SF multi-tenant retail shell, scheduled for delivery Fall 2017 in Southern Colorado.
Grocery Store – 23,000 SF tenant finish, scheduled for delivery late Fall 2017 in Denver, CO.
Grocery Store – 25,000 SF tenant finish, scheduled for delivery Fall 2017 in Denver, CO.
This is just a list of the larger projects and does not include the smaller projects that pass through our office which include many restaurants and retail stores. We’ll get some pictures up on the website soon.
The bottom line is this: we have the horsepower to complete these projects, but we take a different approach to the business of architecture. Our approach allows DPGA to provide efficient, quality client service at more competitive fee structures for our clients. We have amazing sub-consultants that share our vision, and we’ve worked together seamlessly for years. I would love to have you give us a try, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
The DPGA model is working, as 80% of our business is from repeat clients.
ICSC Recon 2015
This year’s trip to Las Vegas for the ICSC Recon conference is my sixth straight. I have to admit, each year I stop and evaluate the value I get for attending (which is healthy to do) and ultimately decide to go again. I’m never disappointed…
The good news for this year is that attendance is up, “booths” are expanding, and meetings are frenzied. Attendance has been estimated at around 38,000, a few thousand more than last year. I say “booths” in quotes because a booth can be as much as 5,000 square feet with meeting rooms and offices…the bigger the booth, the more deals are happening. One developer team reported nearly 400 meetings scheduled over a 2-1/2 day period.
The great news is that the forecast looks good for the industry. Retail sales are up and strong across the board, with a few key sectors performing beyond previous highs. Development looks to remain solid over the next couple of years, but we’re not overbuilding. Is there another downturn out there? The laws of economics say yes, but the consensus is that it’s a couple of years out (barring some global change).
ICSC conferences continue to be a great source of connection with current clients, as well as a place to expand my network. I will say this year was another successful trip.
What Makes You Special?
Seth Godin has some good thoughts on the Intangibles that set you apart from your competition and create a perceived value. Perceived value takes away from the ‘lowest bid’ mentality many architects and designers face when pursing new projects. There is so much truth in the adage, “you get what you pay for”.
While I agree with creating “perceived value”, I believe we have actual value beyond our competition that really sets us apart. Whether its the 27 years of experience, a deep understanding of construction, quality plans and specifications, or just better client care – we have a long list of happy clients that keep calling us when they have a new project.
Are we the cheapest firm in town, probably not. Are we the most expensive…definitely not! There’s a sweet spot in there that combines great service and skill with a fair fee amount, and that’s where value lies.
ICSC Recon 2014
Having just left the ICSC Recon conference in Las Vegas, I have some fresh thoughts on my mind about marketing and business development. Of course, there’s a million ways to go, but I think it’s important to remain focused on what it is I’m hoping to accomplish with my business. It can be distracting to have so many ideas, including some for my competitors to help them succeed…
Everything must run through the filter of core goals for my business. What leads directly down the intended path, what sounds neat…but can find trouble, what may lead me down a path I’ve been down before, and do not wish to follow again?
One of those ideas, although not new to me, is writing. I get so caught up in my world and I forget to reach out to the rest of the planet to let them know what I’m up to…and how I might be able help them. That’s what I’m hoping to do here…give you a window into my world and how I go about conducting my business. Also, and more importantly, to provide insight on how I see things in design and how I evaluate project challenges to find solutions.
Before anything else, and while sitting on my late night flight, I need to rest and let my feet heal from the miles of walking over the last two days…